Install Weblogic 12c On Windows

Its very important sometimes to set up a software application as an window service on Window Platform.Window service enable a software application to start working

How To Install Weblogic 12c; Weblogic Download For Windows; Weblogic 12c Download For Windows 64 Bit Windows 7; Weblogic 12c Download For Windows 64 Bit Windows 10; This chapter has been added in support of functionality for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release 9.1 Update 4. This chapter includes these tasks: 4.1 Overview. PeopleTools 8.56: Installing Oracle Weblogic 12c. Oracle Weblogic 12.2.1 for PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.56 is certified to work with Windows 2012, 2012 R2, Oracle Linux 6, 7, RHEL 6, 7, IBM AIX 7.1, 7.2 and HP-Unix 11.31. PeopleTools 8.56 supports Java 8 enabled 64-bit Oracle WebLogic Server 12.2.1. This is Chapter-1 of Oracle SOA 12c Step By Step Installation Series. In this post, I will show you step by step installation of Oracle SOA 12c on window 7. There are some prerequisites that you need to fulfill before installing Oracle SOA 12c. Your system should fulfill all the requirement.

Create Java KeyStore (JKS) and Generate Private Key with Java keytool utility. Browse weblogic.$. Oracle WebLogic Server is one of the most popular Java EE application server. If you’re looking to develop an application that is designed to run on Oracle WebLogic Server, the best way to test your application would be to run it on your local PC. Here is a step by step guide on how to configure Local Oracle WebLogic Server on Windows.

as soon as Machine is turned on so that no manual or human interaction is required to start that application whenever machine is turned on.In this article i will show how

to install weblogic 12 c server as an window service on Window 7 platform.After installing weblogic 12c server on the machine,Perform the following steps to make it as

an window service.

(1.) After installing the web logic 12c server ,Its installation directory will be in C drive. Path will be like C:OracleMiddleware .Its Tree structure would be like:

(2.) Go to the C:OracleMiddlewarewlserver_12.1serverbin.Create a file createSvc.cmd.Add the below content in this file:

echo off


set DOMAIN_NAME=base_domain

set USERDOMAIN_HOME=C:OracleMiddlewareuser_projectsdomainsbase_domain

set SERVER_NAME=AdminServer


set JAVA_HOME=C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_09

set JRE_HOME=C:Program FilesJavajre7

set HOST=

set PORT=7001



_stdout.txt” -Dweblogic.Stderr=”C:OracleMiddlewareuser_projectsdomainsbase_domain_


set JAVA_VENDOR=”sun”

set JAVA_VM=-server

set MEM_ARGS=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

call “C:OracleMiddlewarewlserver_12.1serverbininstallSvc.cmd”


Details of the above script is:

SETLOCAL :-This is a batch command that begins the localization of environment variables in a batch file.


How To Install Weblogic 12c On Windows

where domain-name is the name of your WebLogic Server domain.


where absolute-pathname is the absolute pathname of the Administration Server’s root directory (the directory that contains the domain’s configuration file).


where server-name is the name of an existing server instance that you want set up as a Windows service.



When the PRODUCTION_MODE variable is set to true, the server instance starts in production mode.

JAVA_HOME – Location of the version of Java used to start WebLogic Server. This variable must point to the root directory of a JDK installation and will be set for you by the installer.

JRE_HOME—Location of system java run time environment

HOST – IP address of the Weblogic Server.

PORT – Port number where the WebLogic Server is listening for requests.

JAVA_OPTIONS – Java command-line options for running the server. (These will be tagged on to the end of the JAVA_VM and MEM_ARGS).

JAVA_VENDOR– Java vendor name which is used for running weblogic server.

JAVA_VM – The java arg specifying the VM to run. (i.e. -server, -client, etc.).

MEM_ARGS – The variable to override the standard memory arguments passed to java

(3.) Add the WebLogic server bin directory (C:OracleMiddlewarewlserver_12.1serverbin)to the system path variable (PATH).

Install Weblogic 12c

(4.) Execute createSvc.cmd script from same folder C:OracleMiddlewarewlserver_12.1serverbin

(5.) This should create service with name of ” wlsvc base_domain_AdminServer ” in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesas below:

(6.) Right Click on Computer and then click on manage.Now go to Services and Applications->Services. “wlsvc base_domain_AdminServer service” is listed there as shown below:

Now start the service by clicking on start button.

(1.) Create a script called removeSvc.cmd and copy the following lines. Make sure adminServer name and domain name values are correctly set. And execute from the same place

(C:OracleMiddlewarewlserver_12.1serverbin) where you created window service before.

echo off


set DOMAIN_NAME=base_domain

set SERVER_NAME=AdminServer

call “C:OracleMiddlewarewlserver_12.1serverbinuninstallSvc.cmd”


How to debug the Window Service:

If there are some issue in running this window service.We can debug it as well.

Go to theC:OracleMiddlewarewlserver_12.1serverbin directory and run below command:

wlsvc –debug “wlsvc base_domain_AdminServer


This appendix contains screenshots and descriptions for all of the WebLogic Server installation screens.


Description of the illustration welcome.gif

The Welcome screen is displayed each time you start the installer.

Choose Middleware Home Directory

Install Weblogic 12c On Windows
Description of the illustration mw_home.gif

Specify the Middleware home directory that will serve as the central support directory for all Fusion Middleware products installed on the target system, including WebLogic Server. The default Middleware home directory is C:OracleMiddleware. Each Fusion MIddleware product will be installed in its own product directory in the Middleware home directory.

  • If you already have a Middleware home directory on your system, you can select that directory (recommended) or create another Middleware home directory.

  • If you choose to create a directory by typing a new directory name in the Middleware Home Directory field, the installation program automatically creates one for you. You can also click Browse and select an existing directory from the Middleware Home Directory screen.

For more details about the Middleware home directory, see Choosing a Middleware Home Directory.

Register for Security Updates

Description of the illustration ocm.gif

Specify whether you want to register the Oracle WebLogic Server installation with My Oracle Support. By registering, Oracle Support notifies you immediately of any security updates that are specific to your installation.

If you want to register your installation, enter your My Oracle Support email address and your My Oracle Support password.

Weblogic 12c Documentation

If you want to decline registration, deselect the I wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Support check box. An Are You Sure? dialog box appears. Click Yes to continue.


If you are using a Generic installer (JAR file) to install WebLogic Server, and $JAVA_HOME points to a JDK that is later than JDK 1.60_05, you cannot deselect the I wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Support check box. In this case, if you do not want to install security updates:

  1. Leave the Email and Support Password fields blank, and click Next. An Email Address Not Specified dialog box appears.

  2. Click Yes. An Are You Sure? dialog box appears.

  3. Click Yes to continue with the installation.

If you have not registered with Oracle Support, go to the My Oracle Support Web site,, and register to obtain a My Oracle Support account.

Choose Install Type

Description of the illustration custom.gif

Select the installation type.

  • Typical—All the software components included in your installation program are installed on your system. Typical installation does not include the Server Examples.

  • Custom—You select the software components to be installed. On Windows systems, you also have the option to install Oracle WebLogic Server Node Manager as a Windows service. If you want to install the Server Examples, you must select Custom.

For more information, see Choosing the Type of Installation.

Choose Products and Components

Install Weblogic 12c On Windows
Description of the illustration first-choose.gif

Specify the components to be installed by selecting or clearing the appropriate check boxes.

When you select or clear a component at the folder level, all subcomponents are selected or cleared accordingly.

How To Install Weblogic Server 12c On Windows 10

If any components are installed on your system, the corresponding check boxes appear dimmed.

This screen also displays the description and the approximate installed size of the selected component.


When you select components, the installation program checks for dependencies between the components and automatically modifies the list of selected components to ensure that dependencies for selected components are also selected.

For details about the components available for installation on your system, see Installable Product Components.

JDK Selection

Description of the illustration sdk.gif

This screen displays a list of JDKs. This list differs depending on the specific installer you are using. For example, .jar installers do not include SDKs. If you are upgrading from a previous version, the list contains JDKs that are available for (and common across) previous installations of all the selected WebLogic Server components.

Select the JDK or JDKs that you want to install with the product.

Install Weblogic 12c On Windows 7 64 Bit

You can also browse for and select a local JDK (at least 1.6.0_05) installed on your machine.

This screen also displays the approximate installed size of the highlighted JDK, the total installed size of all the selected JDKs, and the total installed size of all the components.


Sun has addressed multiple Java security vulnerabilities affecting the following Sun Java Runtime Environments.

  • JDK and JRE 6 Update 10 and earlier

  • JDK and JRE 5.0 Update 16 and earlier

If you have already installed any of the above versions of JDK, you must upgrade it to the latest version of Sun Java Runtime Environment by selecting the latest JDK version in the installer.

Choose Product Installation Directories

Description of the illustration prod-install.gif

You can accept the default product directories or specify new directories for each product you are installing. The product directories that are listed on this screen depend on the products you selected for installation. You may have to specify up to three installation directories, one each for Oracle WebLogic Server, and Oracle Coherence.

If you choose to create a directory, the installation program automatically creates one for you.

If you go back to the Choose Middleware Home Directory screen to change the Middleware home directory, the following changes occur based on the type of changes you make to the home directory:

  • If you accept the default product installation directory in the Choose Product Installation Directory screen, then the old installation directory is retained in the Choose Middleware Home Directory screen.

    For example, the default installation directory for Oracle WebLogic Server is MW_HOMEwlserver_12.1.

  • If you enter a new product installation directory in the Choose Product Installation Directory screen, the directory name is modified to this new name in the Choose Middleware Home Directory screen.

  • If you specify the installation directory in the Choose Product Installation Directory screen, and if the directory you specify is outside of the existing Middleware home, the existing installation directory is retained.

For more information, see Choosing Product Installation Directories.

Confirm Product Installation Directory

Description of the illustration confirm_dirs.gif

If you are adding components to an existing product installation, confirm the product installation directory. These are the directories in which you previously installed WebLogic Server or Oracle Coherence.

The selected components are installed in the product installation directory you specified during the initial installation.

Install Windows Service

Description of the illustration nodemgr.gif

Choose whether you want to install the Windows services indicated, specifically the Oracle WebLogic Server Node Manager service. Node Manager is used to monitor, start, and stop server instances in a WebLogic domain.

If you select Yes, enter the Node Manager Listen Port in the appropriate field. The default is 5556.


If the Listen Port number you specify is being used by a running application, the installation program prompts you to enter a different Node Manager Listen Port value.

Choose Shortcut Location

Description of the illustration shortcut.gif

Select from the following options:

  • All Users Start menu folder

    Select this option to provide all users registered on the machine with access to the installed software. However, only users with administrator privileges can create shortcuts in the All Users folder. Therefore, if a user without administrator privileges uses the Configuration Wizard to create WebLogic domains, Start menu shortcuts to the domains are not created. In this case, users can manually create shortcuts in their local Start menu folders, if desired. Press ALT+A on the keyboard to select the All Users Start Menu.

  • Local User's Start menu folder

    Selecting this option ensures that other users registered on this machine do not have access to the Start menu entries for this installation. Press ALT+L on the keyboard to select the Local User's start menu.

Installation Summary

Description of the illustration summary.gif

This screen displays a list of product components and JDKs to be installed. It also displays the description and the approximate installed size of each product component, JDKs, and the total size of all the selected items.


Description of the illustration install.gif

This screen shows the progress of the installation. When the progress bar reaches 100%, the installation is complete.

Installation Complete

Weblogic Server 12c

Description of the illustration complete.gif

Weblogic 12c Download

In this screen you see a dialog box with the message 'Congratulations! Installation is Complete.'

If you want to run the QuickStart application, leave the Run QuickStart check box selected. QuickStart is designed to assist first-time users in evaluating, learning, and using the software. It provides quick access to the sample domains, information for upgrading your applications, and the online documentation.

Clear the Run QuickStart check box if you do not want to launch QuickStart.